Digital Signage Pakistan

SMART MIRROR-Does it have brains, can it speak, write and read?


In the life of every person, a mirror is an integral part of life, and especially for women. Girls and women spend in front of him sometimes for several hours a day, putting on beauty, combing their hair, etc. The male half spends much less time at the mirror, but still brushing and shaving takes place in front of him. In addition to the bathroom, mirrors surround us everywhere – in the hallway, in the elevator, in the car, in the office, etc.


A smart mirror in English smart mirror  is an unusual mirror that is able to display the necessary information while remaining the same mirror. Yes, its main function is to show us a reflection, but what if, in addition to our reflection, we can see the weather forecast in our region, time and date, calendar events, news feed, stock quotes, email or social media notifications – agree this is very convenient? In the morning, many people go to the bathroom to take a shower, wash, brush their teeth, etc., take a smartphone with them to check email, social networks or read the latest news, and someone likes to cheer themselves up in the morning with their beloved music or a funny video clip on the net. Taking a smartphone or tablet with you to the bathroom, you run the risk of dropping it and breaking it or drowning it, and such a morning will not be good for many and you can say that the whole day is wasted, especially if the phone is drowned. The smart mirror is synchronized with your smartphone and you no longer need to take it with you and risk your favorite gadget – it will now be replaced by an interactive mirror, at least in the bathroom. It is very comfortable! A smart mirror can be just informational, or it can be a full-fledged multimedia device running Android or Windows Yes, even with touch control. The touch-sensitive bathroom mirror gives you even more options, as it can play videos, play music, browse social networks, and even make Skype or Viber video calls thanks to the built-in camera and microphone in the mirror. The camera in the mirror is a separate option and the customer himself decides whether he needs it or not. And the touch mirror is equipped with a built-in microphone, and if your hands are busy, you can control it using Ok Google or Yandex Alice voice assistants, who can not only open pages on the Internet, but also launch the desired applications, send messages in instant messengers or emails, display information about traffic congestion in your city or specifically on your route to work, for example, or just tell a joke. In the off state, it is still an ordinary mirror, but as soon as you turn it on by touching the mirror, information will be displayed on your mirror in a matter of seconds. Also, a smart mirror can become not only an indispensable assistant in the hallway, but also an excellent interior solution. When going to work, study or a business meeting in front of a smart mirror, it will also notify you of the planned activities for the day, the birthday of loved ones or a sudden change in weather and impending strong wind, rain, snowfall and other natural phenomena. If your house or apartment has a  “smart home” system  or you plan to install a “smart home” system, the touch mirror can be manufactured and designed so that it also becomes the control center of your “smart home”, which is very convenient. Until recently,  it was possible to buy a smart mirror  only in Europe at a very inadequate price tag or in China with a more interesting price, but with very dubious functionality and quality, as well as very expensive delivery if the mirror size is at least 1m x 1m. Also, not in Europe and not in China, they won’t make you a smart mirror according to your size and desired shape – they can, of course, do it, but just imagine how much it will cost you – it’s several times more expensive than ours!
This is the first and so far the only production of smart mirrors in Pakistan. Smart mirrors are made to order and can be of any size, shape, functionality and hardware filling, as well as there are already standardized models – which are made faster.

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